Teachers give out progress reports to students to help them gauge their success in a course. Whether you ditched yours in the trash or proudly handed them off to your parents, they served a purpose of documenting your progres. Apply this same concept to your fitness clients to get a constant overview of their health journey and goal performance.

Client Insights

You are here to serve your clients’ needs. By showing them real time insights of their progress, they feel involved in the process. It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. Include them every step of the away. There will always be another goal to set, a new dot on the map, but remember the blood, sweat, and tears all happens in the present. Encouraging them to take an honest overview gives them further motivation to keep going.

Flexible Coaching
Every client has individual goals. What drives them to reach those goals is even more unique. It’s your role as the personal trainer to find what makes them tick and hoan in on those elements for ultimate success. By scanning their goal performance you can see what’s working and what’s not and make instant changes to better serve them. Flexibility and adaptability as coach is something your clients will deeply appreciate.

Maintain & Gain New Clients
As the personal trainer, you are held responsible for helping your clients hit their targets. Documenting their journey with before and after pictures is a wonderful way to capture this. Let’s take it one step further. Knowing that there are hills and valleys to reaching the final destination, let’s showcase the whole journey. Progress reports allow you to have visual testimonial of your client metrics in action. This presents a true insight into how you coach your clients and gives you another tool in resigning your current clients and gaining new ones.

Naamly is your virtual assistant for client retention. Try out this Progress Reports feature and many more today!