Most owners spend a lot of time thinking about gym lead generation. And it’s easy to see why since leads (hopefully) become new members. 

Some go too far and obsess about this, even at the expense of servicing members to keep them around and renewing for as long as possible.

And sales and marketing can be intimidating, which means gym lead generation can be intimidating.

But it doesn’t have to be if you stick to the basics and never get complacent.

See, if you’re like most gym owners, then The Lead Beast is always hungry, and it never sleeps. It’s up to you to feed it regularly. 

Before we get into some tactics for gym lead generation, it’s worth saying this: Remember that you need to know your unique selling position, or what makes you different than all the other gyms out there.

You need a compelling offer crafted for your ideal client.

You need to share that offer to those ideal clients in the right way, by reaching out to them where they already are.

And then you need to get them to do something, like submit their email address in exchange for a free item of value; call now for a free consultation; or join your free workout sessions. 

This “call to action” is universal in marketing, and it’s a great way to increase gym lead generation. 

Once you have a new lead in your system, develop it with email content that’s helpful and engaging (not salesy); text messages; and phone calls to make sure the new lead gets to know you, like you, and trust you.

And don’t be shy! Respond to new leads right away, as quickly after they’ve engaged with you as possible. It’s while they’re still thinking about it and still really want to learn more about your gym and services.

And even later, keep up the communications. This is NOT cold calling. This is you responding to people who have expressed interest in what you do. They have given you permission and/or expressed interest. Go. For. It.

Now, here are some excellent tactics to for gym lead generation. Unleash the full potential of your gym with these powerful tactics to ensure a steady stream of high-quality leads.

Choose from these, mix and match, adopt and adapt from others, and don’t stop the effort just because you feel like you’re having a strong month or quarter.

Just be sure all your efforts serve your business plan; reflect your values; and present the image you’ve chosen. 

Ten Top Tactics

1.     Referral Programs: Referrals are a cornerstone of gym lead generation. Encourage existing members to refer friends and family by offering incentives such as discounted membership fees, free personal training sessions, or gym merchandise. Surveys show that consumers are more likely to take seriously a referral from someone they trust – and up to four times as likely to buy.

2. Social Media Marketing: Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase your gym’s facilities, classes, and success stories. Engage with followers by posting regularly and responding to comments and messages promptly.

Each platform is different and appeals to different segments, so find out where “your people” like to interact online instead of expecting them to find you somewhere else.

This should include online reviews! People want assurances about businesses, so make sure you have a good number of positive reviews/testimonials on your website, and your pages on Google, Yelp, Facebook, etc.

BONUS HINT: Reply to reviews regularly, even “negative” comments. It shows readers that you care. 

Google and Facebook ads are common ways to target people in a certain area, and further distinguish them by other characteristics. Remember the difference between ads and marketing: You pay for ads. So, take that into consideration.

  1. Offer Free Trials, Guest Passes or Challenges: Allow potential members to experience your gym firsthand by offering free trial periods or guest passes. This gives them the opportunity to test out your facilities and services before committing to a membership.

Challenges can goose your numbers quickly for gym lead generation. Invite people to compete to see who can lose the most body fat percentage, record the most personal bests, or post the best attendance numbers.

  1. Partner with Local Businesses: Collaborate with health food stores, wellness centers, and hair salons to promote each other’s services. Offer exclusive discounts or joint promotional events to attract new leads.

Get to know HR leaders in your area’s leading employers. They might be looking for wellness partners for their workforce.

  1. Host Events or Workshops: Organize fitness challenges, nutrition seminars, or workshops. Collect what? Yep! Contact information so you can follow up.

Getting the info for gym lead generation can be as simple as putting a fishbowl out with a sign that says, “Drop your card here and you could win fabulous prizes.” If fishbowls are too 20th century, use a QR code to interact. Give away raffle tickets in exchange for contact info.

  1. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: Social media is important, but your email list is more important because you own it. Send out regular emails to prospects and members, at least once a week, probably more. They won’t see, read, or remember everything, and you need to repeat your messages at least seven times before they sink in.

Some of you worry about being “annoying” with “too many” emails. But the secret solution is NOT to stop sending emails. It’s to stop sending “annoying” emails. Be useful, informative, or entertaining, and they’ll be delighted to hear from you every time.

Share valuable content such as workout tips, nutrition advice, and special promotions to keep leads engaged.

Sending text messages is becoming more common for follow ups. And don’t forget about the power of the phone call… That’s right. Making a phone call can work wonders!

  1. Community Engagement: For gym lead generation, position yourself as a local expert on fitness. If you have a niche, then double down as the expert in that for your community. Make sure legacy media know about you and your expertise. At some point, they’ll need a local expert on, say, teen athlete injuries or losing weight after giving birth, and they’ll already know you’re there.

Get involved in community events, sponsor local sports teams, or participate in charity fundraisers. Building a positive presence in the community can attract potential members who value supporting businesses with community involvement.

  1. Offer Online Classes or Training Programs: Expand your reach beyond your local area by offering online classes or virtual training programs. Use social media, email marketing, and online advertising to promote these services and attract leads from anywhere in the world.
  1. Optimize You Website for Lead Generation: Is your gym’s website user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for lead generation? Does it include clear calls-to-action prompting visitors to sign up for a free trial, schedule a tour, or download a fitness guide in exchange for their contact information?

Update your website at least one a week with fresh, relevant, non-salesy content. A blog is a great way to do this – and to show your values in action. 

10.  Provide Contact Info Everywhere. Use a super-signature on all emails, including your social media accounts, phone numbers, addresses – and promotional tag (“We help busy professionals stay on top.”) Get on a TV or radio show? Give your contact info. Collab with a neighboring business? Make sure they include all your contact info. Never make someone go look for you (because they probably won’t).

Finally, here’s excellent bonus advice from Texas gym owner Jesse Jackson about gym lead generation:

“Never stop marketing,” says Jackson, who recently opened his second location. “Be a kind person who’s interested in other people. See sales as just solving a problem. Focus on what the customer wants in all your content and ads.”

Most gym owners say that getting new leads is a top priority, and you’re in a business that’s crowded with competition. 

You might never be able to abandon gym lead generation, and that’s OK. Think of it as a fact of doing business in fitness, not something you’re doing just until things get better or you reach a certain level of success.

It’s essential to acquiring clients. And to learn more about how to get new members, download our free guide, “51 Ways to Acquire Clients Without Facebook Ads.”