There was a time – before fitness became an integral part of your life – where proper nutrition and how to go about it might’ve seemed a little daunting. For a lot of your members, they’re in that same boat of not knowing what to do. 

As gym owners and personal trainers, we are not required by any means to give a diet plan to our members but it’s important to guide them through the processes of proper nutrition so it – along with everything else required to live a healthy lifestyle – doesn’t seem as daunting as it might’ve to you at one point. 

Here are a few tips to give your members on proper nutrition & food intake:


Eat Breakfast

Okay, we know this sounds silly. Everyone eats breakfast, right? Wrong! In 2019 it was estimated that 31 million people skip breakfast every day in the United States. Healthy breakfast items like eggs, oatmeal, bananas or Greek yogurt instead of sugary cereals and toaster pastries makes one less susceptible to snacking throughout the day. They say if you make your bed every morning it’s easier for you to accomplish other tasks the day throws at you – the same applies here. Start the day and end the day with healthy foods. 


Meal Prep

Your members need to do themselves a favor here. Not only does taking a few hours every weekend to meal prep help them consistently eat healthy throughout the week it also helps their wallet as their lunch for work will always be taken care of – saving them from that greasy cheeseburger on their way home.


Drink Water

Yep, another one so simple it’s silly. That being said you’d be surprised how many don’t. 75% of adults in the United States suffer from chronic dehydration. Advise members to keep a full bottle of water in their bag or at their desk at work. If they still don’t seem up to it, suggest adding fruit like strawberries or blueberries to add a bit of flavor punch to their hydration game. 


Fruits & Vegatables 

Speaking of fruit, eating a serving of fresh fruit and vegetables each day is a surefire way to max out your daily vitamin and antioxidant requirements. Not to mention eating foods that have a high water content allows for deeper and longer lasting hydration throughout the day. Your body holds onto the water that’s contained inside the fibers of fruits and vegetables and produces it into your body much slower than just drinking water straight.


Food Diary

This isn’t a “Dear Diary” sort of situation. It can be as simple as a timestamp of what the member ate and when. A member’s vision of what is considered nutritious food could potentially differ a great deal from the vision of the gym owner. The point here is to have them log their data so it’s easier to track their progress and where things need to change.


How Naamly Helps

Naamly is the gym member experience platform. We help gym owners and their employees across the country develop strong, personal connections with their members. Naamly gives you the power to view the caloric intake and nutrition data at a birds-eye-view for one member or all of them – from one easy to use app. Naamly also empowers you with our Smart Messaging technology, combining text, phone & email into one place.This makes it easier than ever before to keep track of your members’ progress practically in real-time. With our handy communication tools right at your fingertips there’s no excuse to not reach out and let your Members know the plan.

In short, building member relationships isn’t as easy as flipping a switch. You have to be active, engaging and approach each member with a clear intention of what it is you need from them and what you can give them in return.

Thankfully, Naamly: The Gym Member Experience Platform, allows you to easily implement the tips above. Naamly gives you the power to stand on your own two feet when it comes to building and maintaining customer relationships that will stand the test of time.


Empower your members to start and end their day right with the help of our guide on operations simplified, and achieve seamless success with Naamly, the perfect gym management software.