As a gym owner, you’re no stranger to the constant hustle of acquiring new members, retaining existing ones, and ensuring your fitness center’s profitability. In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication with your members can make all the difference. That’s where SMS marketing for gyms comes into play, offering an efficient and personalized way to stay in touch with your clients. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how SMS marketing can benefit your gym in various aspects, from marketing and prospect follow-ups to referrals, retention, and upgrades. Let’s dive in!

Marketing with SMS

SMS marketing boasts impressively high open rates. On average, SMS messages have an open rate of approximately 98%. This means that nearly all text messages sent to recipients are read, often within minutes of being received. Such high open rates make SMS marketing a highly effective channel for reaching your target audience promptly.

  • 1. Instant Promotions and Offers: One of the primary benefits of SMS marketing for gyms is its speed and efficiency. You can instantly send out promotions, discounts, and special offers to your members. For example, you could send a message like, “Get 20% off on annual memberships this month!” Such promotions can attract potential clients and boost membership sales.
  • 2. Event Announcements: Hosting fitness classes, workshops, or special events? SMS marketing is the perfect tool to notify your members. Send event details and reminders directly to their phones, ensuring higher attendance rates.
  • 3. New Class or Equipment Alerts: Whenever you introduce a new class or upgrade your gym with state-of-the-art equipment, let your members know via SMS. Keep them excited and engaged by sharing the latest additions to your fitness center.
  • 4. Feedback and Surveys: Use SMS to gather feedback from your members about their gym experience. Constructive feedback can help you improve your services and make necessary changes. Plus, it shows your members that you value their opinions.

Prospect Follow-Ups
SMS marketing also drives higher engagement compared to other communication channels. Studies have shown that the click-through rates (CTR) for SMS campaigns can be as much as 36% higher than email marketing CTR. This increased engagement can lead to better conversion rates and a stronger return on investment (ROI) for businesses and organizations using SMS marketing.

  • 1. Initial Contact: When potential members express interest in your gym, initiate contact with a friendly SMS. It’s less intrusive than a phone call and allows prospects to respond at their convenience. You could say, “Thank you for your interest in [Your Gym Name]! We’d love to show you around. When is a good time for you?”
  • 2. Membership Information: Share essential membership details via SMS, such as pricing, available classes, and facilities. This approach provides prospects with the information they need to make informed decisions.
  • 3. Appointment Reminders: For scheduled tours or consultations, send out appointment reminders. It reduces no-shows and ensures you make the most of your prospects’ time and yours.
  • 4. Follow-Up After Visits: After prospects visit your gym, send a follow-up message to gauge their interest. You might say, “We hope you enjoyed your visit to [Your Gym Name]. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to ask!”

Referral Programs

Word-of-mouth marketing is a powerful tool in the fitness industry, and SMS marketing can supercharge your referral program.

  • 1. Referral Incentives: Encourage members to refer friends and family by offering incentives like free months, merchandise, or discounts. Send SMS messages promoting these referral programs and remind your members about the rewards they can earn.
  • 2. Referral Reminders: Use SMS to periodically remind members about your referral program. People often forget about these opportunities, and a well-timed text message can reignite their interest.
  • 3. Thank You Messages: Express gratitude to members who successfully refer new clients. Send a personalized thank-you SMS with a message like, “Thanks to you, we have a new member! Enjoy your reward, and keep spreading the fitness love.”

Retention and Engagement

Keeping your current members engaged and motivated is crucial for long-term success. SMS marketing can help you achieve this.

  • 1. Class Reminders: Send SMS reminders about upcoming classes to help members stay committed to their fitness goals. For example, “Don’t forget your 6 PM spin class tonight! See you there!”
  • 2. Personalized Workout Tips: Utilize SMS to share personalized workout tips and advice based on each member’s fitness level and goals. This shows you care about their progress.
  • 3. Birthday Wishes and Discounts: Make your members feel special on their birthdays by sending personalized SMS greetings and exclusive birthday discounts on gym services or merchandise.
  • 4. Membership Renewal Alerts: Send timely reminders when a member’s subscription is due for renewal. Offer incentives or discounts to encourage renewals.

Upgrades and Cross-Selling

Maximizing revenue per member is essential for your gym’s profitability. SMS marketing can facilitate upsells and cross-selling.

  • 1. Upgrade Offers: Identify members who may benefit from higher-tier memberships and send them SMS offers to upgrade. Highlight the additional benefits they’ll receive.
  • 2. Cross-Sell Services: If your gym offers personal training, nutrition consultations, or other services, use SMS to cross-sell these offerings to interested members. A message like, “Ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Ask about our personalized training sessions!”
  • 3. Merchandise Sales: Promote gym merchandise like workout apparel, water bottles, or supplements via SMS. Include enticing offers to drive sales.

The Power of Automation

Implementing SMS marketing for gyms may seem overwhelming, but the good news is that you can automate most of these processes. Choose a reliable SMS marketing platform that allows you to schedule messages, segment your audience, and track results. This automation not only saves you time but also ensures that your messages reach the right people at the right time.

Here’s an example of one of Naamly’s most effective prospect follow-up campaigns, everything after step one can be automated:

Text #1 – A personalized selfie video thanking your prospect for reaching out, with a link to your schedule to set up an appointment.

Text #2 – Send a relevant article/blog post about what your gym does.

Text #3 – “I know it’s a crazy time of year, but the good news is, I’ve got some flexibility this week. Let me know what day works best.” (Link to schedule)

Text #4 – “Hey! (NAME) Here’s a quick video about one of our members, I thought you’d like.” (Link or embed video testimony.)

Text #5 – “Ya know, it occurred to me you may still have some questions. To help you out, here’s a quick FAQ of the most common questions we get, to help you out.” (Link to FAQ)

Text#6 – “I get the impression you’re just not ready. And sincerely, that’s ok. Unless you’ve changed your mind, I’m going to go ahead and close out your spot so I can open it up for another athlete. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any fitness questions, I’m always here to help.”

Legal Considerations

Before diving into SMS marketing for your gym, be aware of and adhere to relevant privacy and data protection regulations, such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States. Always obtain proper consent from your members before sending them marketing messages, and provide an easy way for them to opt-out if they choose to do so. If you’re a Naamly member, we’ve got you covered!

In the competitive world of fitness centers, staying connected with your members and prospects is key to success. SMS marketing for gyms provides a convenient and effective way to achieve this. From attracting new members through promotions to retaining and engaging existing ones, SMS marketing can transform your gym’s communication strategy. Start exploring the possibilities of SMS marketing today, and watch your gym thrive as you effortlessly connect with your audience.

Remember, SMS marketing for gyms is not just a trend; it’s a smart business move that can lead to long-term growth and success.

Ready for a marketing DEEP DIVE? Check out our free guide: 51 Ways to Aquire Clients Without Facebook Ads