It’s no secret that the 21st century brought with it a technology boom that’s changed how we connect with and consume the world around us. Customers wear watches that measure heart rate, body temperature, calories burned, and steps taken; we can receive personalized playlists on Spotify based on our listening history; and, folks can even purchase robot vacuums that clean their house on a programmed schedule.  

It is everywhere.

And technology that conforms to a person’s preferences and needs has come to be an expectation among buyers today.

That said, it’s no wonder that the IHRSA’s 2019 Global Report found, “Embracing fitness tech inside and outside the club” was ranked as a top priority among fitness professionals and gym owners…and that was data collected pre-pandemic! Since that time, small fitness businesses have been forced to adopt new tech platforms just to survive and remain profitable amidst the forced closures of 2020.

So here’s the dilemma many business owners are facing…

With every fitness business utilizing technology as a part of their service, how do I set myself apart from the competition?

 Here’s the thing – the use of fitness tech is non-negotiable. However, some fitness businesses will view it as a necessary evil…

 …And others will view it as an opportunity and a competitive advantage.

 The key to seizing this HUGE opportunity is in your ability to marry your customer experience strategy and unique culture into EVERYTHING you do and EVERYTHING you deliver, tech included.

 Whether you train entirely online, use a hybrid model, utilize heart rate monitors in your group classes, have a gym full of “smart” equipment, or are simply investigating ways that technology could make your customer experience better, you’re in the right place.

 We’ve got four tips that will help you communicate using the technology available to you to leverage your gym’s unique identity and values as a competitive advantage.

  1. Act like a human, not a business.

It’s easy to be yourself when you are physically in front of other people (at least we hope it is!). But this is more challenging when we’re operating in an online world because everything likely feels more formal.  

 The key to maintaining a genuine sense of connectedness is to treat every interaction like it’s happening in person. Talk and write in a conversational manner.  

 Not every communication should be about selling a product or service; there needs to be plenty of check-in interactions and small talk about what you can do to help. All of these things will help keep the human connection intact.

  1. Communicate face-to-face whenever possible.

There is real power in actually seeing the people you’re communicating with. When true face-to-face interaction isn’t an option, you can leverage technology to your advantage here!  

 Integrate video messages, Zoom check-ins (versus traditional email), or even just photos attached to an email or text. These small gestures will go a long way in maintaining and building relationships with clients.

  1. Customize your interactions.

Did you know that the majority of people love the sound of their own name? It’s true! Every interaction you have with your clients should include some kind of personal touch, including their name.

 I know what you’re thinking…that takes A LOT of time. It is much easier to send out a templatized or stock message to all of your clients, but that doesn’t always yield the best results. You should take time to send personal, customized messages to each of your clients. There are lots of platforms out there (like Naamly!) that can help make this easy and time-efficient.

  1. Be as predictive and proactive as possible.

When you utilize technology to collect data and information about your clients, it gives you special opportunities to forecast their needs, struggles, and support they may need from you. You can reap major benefits from all the data collection you’ve been doing because it actually enhances your connection to your clients, versus detracting from it.

 For example, you may have a note that one of your clients is trying to lose weight for a high school reunion in April. It might be a nice, personal touch to reach out and say, “Hey Julie! Just wanted to say that I’m thinking about you…I’m really proud of all the hard work you’ve put in this year. How are you feeling about the reunion coming up?”

 These types of proactive engagements can only happen if you’re plugged in to the lives of your clients.

 Technology itself may not be a major differentiator for your business, but how you use it can be one of the most overlooked opportunities for differentiation you have. Don’t sleep on these strategies – with the right combination of your gym’s culture and “touch” plus today’s technology, you’ll be able to secure lifelong clients and leave competitors in the dust.

 The best technology for fitness businesses are those that are easy to use and make your life EASIER so you can spend more time doing what you do best…helping people achieve better health. That’s why we designed Naamly, to do just that. Schedule a FREE demo to see how Naamly can buy you back time, simplify your systems, and make your life as a business owner easier.

Unlock the key to operational success – check out Naamly Guide for Operations simplified today!