Results Only Fitness is changing what many gym owners thought was possible for community engagement.

In fact, co-owner Bobby Kelly reports retention and usage numbers that most other business owners would need to see to believe.

Their average client lifespan is 8.5 years.

And their average training frequency is 4.3 times per week. 

Considering the industry averages a 15-month client lifespan and 2.2 times per week training frequency (IHRSA Health Club Consumer Report, 2018), it’s undeniable that Results Only Fitness is doing something right.

So what’s their secret?

Consistently personalized, genuine communication with every single member.

Having been in their Phoenix-based facility for 15 years, owners Bobby Kelly and Kelly Michael have had the time to perfect their craft and figure out what it really takes to become, “The Last Gym You’ll Ever Join.” But it wasn’t always easy.

Results Only Fitness co-owners Kelly Michael and Bobby Kelly

Bobby found himself frustrated and burnt out with the traditional, inefficient methods of communicating with clients.

“[Our team] was knee deep in texting, texting, texting…it was the only option for us at the time, sending messages out one at a time. We were using email too, but texting was and still is the most instantaneous and easy way to get to our clients. And it just took so much time to do it well that everyone on the team had to be involved and messaging 50+ people at a time.”

Their hard work was paying off, the community atmosphere was strengthening, and clients knew they were more than a number…but, it was costing them hours each day to do it, which meant even longer days and less time spent on marketing and business growth activities.

Bobby explained that without a way to centralize client and prospect communication, messages were getting lost or forgotten; marketing follow-up was hit-and-miss; and growth was stalling because every client-facing interaction outside of the gym was so time-consuming.

It wasn’t until Results Only Fitness began using Naamly that the team started winning back their time without sacrificing the quality of their client interactions.

“[Since becoming a Naamly client], our communication with members is seamless…there is some upfront setup, but it saves so much time over the long run. The tutorials are simple and quick, and questions get answered from Naamly support so fast that you’re never losing ground.”

Plus, with unique features like Naamly Reports, Bobby and the team are able to make sure no client falls through the cracks…and it doesn’t take six people manually managing dozens of text conversations.

“[Naamly] essentially does what you would have been asking your team to do for you. That’s a big deal. My trainers stay after their shifts for 15 minutes, check in with a few people who may not have shown up that night and shoot messages to a few people who had questions, and we have this constant dialogue and accountability. That 15 minutes of time, which is built into their shift, saves me two hours of payroll every week that they would have to do via email, sending one at a time.”

With more time, energy, and payroll money to spend on training sessions, retention efforts, and marketing, Results Only Fitness has held on to a large, loyal group of customers, even in 2021.

“I don’t know a gym around that broke any revenue records in 2020…but I’m not worried about closing. I’m not worried about having to move out and sell the building. It was a hard year but we’re doing just fine…we had such strong retention and community to start that we were set up as well as we could have been.”

Bobby and the rest of the Results Only Fitness team continues to set a high standard for fitness studio communities, thanks to their uniquely supportive, highly relational culture.

Discover how Results Only Fitness is setting the new standard for gym communities worldwide, all with the help of Naamly Guide for Operations simplified.