To be competitive and the best well-rounded personal trainer or fitness studio owner, you’ll need to explore using a fitness coach app. Most fitness professionals are passionate about using their love of human body science and knowledge of fitness to help clients improve their lives. This is often why they begin their journey as fitness professionals. However, there are a variety of other tasks that fitness professionals must perform to support their clients. 

For example, a personal trainer’s role could also include marketing tasks, analyzing ROI (return on investment), client paperwork, client check-ins, tracking workout progress, etc. 

Manual completion of each of these tasks is not efficient. And although manual execution is possible with a small number of clients, as a fitness professional’s client base grows, manual management of these types of tasks can be incredibly time-consuming. The need for efficiency is one of the reasons fitness coaching apps and fitness software have become so popular. 

The fitness industry is a growing and much-needed field. Personal trainers and fitness coaches are in high demand because of the increasing prevalence of chronic disease, obesity, and unhealthy habits.

So, as fitness professionals scramble to create an income doing something they love and help as many people as they can, having the right tools for support has become a high priority. The right apps can provide a personal trainer or fitness coach with various benefits that can help them run their business more efficiently.  

If you’re considering using a fitness app to manage your personal training business, keep reading!  We’ve compiled a list of some of the key benefits of the leading fitness software so you can determine what you need most to help you succeed. 

9 Benefits of Using a Fitness Coach App

The use of fitness software and applications has multiplied over the last several years. Many companies have worked to design intelligent, efficient, applicable technology in an effort to support professionals in the fitness industry. 

From basic to advanced, there are now many different fitness applications you can choose from to support your fitness business. Here are a few of the top benefits of the best fitness coaching apps.

1. Improve Communication

When, how, and how often you communicate with current and potential clients is vital to your personal training success. Having the tools to support and communicate with clients effectively is one of the ways you will build trust and commitment. After all, the role of a coach is nothing without the right personal training communication skills

Potential Clients

Fitness apps can support your marketing efforts. For example, email drips are a great way to connect with potential clients. This type of communication can help potential clients learn more about you and how you can help them reach their goals and keep your business top of mind. You may also use a fitness app for follow-up messaging to address questions and emails that help support the sign-up/paperwork process. 

Current Clients

Clients currently training with you also require a constant flow of communication and touchpoints. From educational materials to feedback on a workout to training plan renewals, the communication you have with your current clients is critical to providing value and supporting and maintaining your client base. 

Having the ability to customize and automate all of this communication in one location is a huge plus for any fitness pro. 

2. Manage Client Payments

Having the ability to safely and efficiently complete client payments is crucial to your financial success as a personal trainer. Many fitness apps offer a client payment platform that is simple, easy to use, and easy to understand. 

In addition, being able to track your current revenue and project future revenue can help you manage your priorities and build awareness of when and where you have opportunities to grow your personal training business.  

3. Automation

An app feature that is a favorite for many personal trainers and fitness coaches is the ability to automate processes. Whether it’s marketing emails, client paperwork, or check-ins, being able to automate tasks gives you back time that would otherwise be used trying to complete those tasks. Don’t overlook the ability to improve your fitness business ROI with a tool that adds automation.

The role of a personal trainer naturally requires marketing, follow-up, paperwork, etc. However, automating those processes gives you the freedom to do more of what you’re really good at–personal training. 

4. Improve Client Accountability

A fitness app can provide you the ability to track client progress and engagement easily. Having visibility to this information can help you quickly identify which clients might be struggling so you can reach out to them to re-engage.

Having frequent touchpoints and check-ins can also help you hold clients accountable and ensure they stay on track with their commitments in alignment with their fitness goals. 

5. Centralized Info and Organization

Any tool that can help you stay more organized and keep all pertinent information in one spot is valuable. The ability to stay organized is a representation of your business and something clients notice (primarily when you’re not organized). 

Fitness apps can also allow app users to stay organized with scheduling, client progress, and renewals. However, it’s important to keep in mind different fitness apps provide various organizational tools. So, it’s crucial to find an app that has what you need as a personal trainer.

6. Trainer Management

If you’re a solo personal trainer, trainer management doesn’t necessarily apply to you.  But, if you manage one or more personal trainers, having an app that provides instant visibility to your trainers’ progress is instrumental to their success. Access to this type of data allows you to coach and support your personal training team to increase their (and your) success. All of this improves personal trainer staff retention which can add to your bottom line.

7. Client Management and Tracking

One of the most apparent benefits of a fitness coaching app is having the ability to track client progress efficiently. It’s a motivation tool for your client because they can see their progress in alignment with their efforts. This information can also help you identify when and if you need to make adjustments to your exercise programming. Therefore, you should be choosing the best personal training CRM to manage your clients and members.

8. Support In-person and Virtual Personal Training

Online personal training has grown substantially over the last few years. However, in-person training or hybrid training (online and in-personal) are still popular.  

Many fitness applications allow a personal trainer to manage clients regardless of the style of training they choose. As a result, fitness coaches and personal trainers can now impact more people because they can support local clients and expand their online personal training business to other regions of the country. 

9. Nutrition Tracking

Helping a client with their workout is rarely enough for them to lose weight. Eating habits are one of the most crucial components of a client’s success. Fitness apps that allow clients to easily track their nutrition and quickly provide that information to their fitness coach are instrumental in helping clients reach their goals. 

The nutrition snapshot, in combination with a client’s workout routine all in one place, gives fitness professionals much of the information they need to help and support each client.

Want to try Naamly’s leading fitness coaching app for FREE?  Naamly’s fitness coaching gives you the automation you need to focus on growing your business and serving your fitness clients. Plus, it has other tools listed here such as improving client accountability, organizing and centralizing client info, managing a training staff, and nutrition tracking support. These features in one place are why people are calling it the best app the fitness industry has seen!

Maximize your fitness journey with Naamly’s simplified guide and unlock the 9 incredible benefits of a fitness coach app!